How can we help you?
These case studies highlight how Money Tree Fundraising has successfully supported numerous charities with establishing trust fundraising programs, providing interim fundraising support, and developing major donor campaigns.
The case studies showcase our expertise in designing structured and strategic fundraising plans tailored to each organization’s specific needs and capacity.
By outlining the approaches taken, results achieved, and testimonials from charity partners, we can demonstrate our track record of helping charities grow and diversify their fundraising income streams.
Trust Fundraising
Established a trust fundraising programme whilst maintaining other income streams.
SANDS (Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Charity)
Identification of trusts and foundations to apply to, utilising expert knowledge of both local resources and the Violence Against Women and Girls sector.
Rising Sun Domestic Violence & Abuse Service.
Training and support setting up a new Trust Fundraising programme, including tools and processes to make it work within existing charity structure
Strategic advice, support, templates and resources to get Trust Fundraising programme off the ground.
The Elephant Group
Built a case for support and budget relevant to Trust Fundraisers for a capital project, and refreshing an existing case.
The Prince Of Wales Hospice
Training on the foundations of Trust Fundraising, and Trust Fundraising for Capital Projects, enabling team to rework Capital Bid into a much more coherent and focussed document.
ellenor Hospice
Support identifying and interviewing candidates for team, and creation of strategic approach to Trust Fundraising.
Interim Trust Fundraising
Interim support replacing a staff member to ensure Cost Of Living appeal completed.
Together For Short Lives
Review & assessment of prospect list and creation of work plan for new team member.
Hospice In the Weald
Interim support setting up a low/mid grant Trust Fundraising programme and development of proposal template for applications.
Young Epilepsy
Interim support during short term reduction in team capacity to maintain volume of trust and foundation applications.
Venture Trust
Short term support, preparing templates & submitting applications.
Rising Sun Domestic Violence & Abuse Service
Urgent interim support after departure of fundraising manager, completing grant applications and securing £588,333.
Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre, Guildford
Interim support to replace staff member, share workload, and provide expert knowledge and guidance.
Together For Short Lives
Interim support to create a full case for support and tailored master proposals for small 2-person team.
Bread and Water for Africa UK
Major Donor Fundraising
Establishment of Major Donor Fundraising programme, including prioritising prospects and improved systems for flagging and managing donors.
Saint Francis Hospice
Major Donor compliance & best practice audit, ensuring all GDPR legislation is understood and followed.
Plan International UK
Analysis and support setting up Major Donor programme, including identifying, prioritising and approaching key prospects.
British Exploring Society
Major Donor Fundraising workshop for senior management team and trustees.
Forum For The Future
Capital Kickstart
Delivery of comprehensive Capital Appeal study for planned new build.
Harlington Hospice
Capital Feasibility study and training for fundraising staff and senior leaders on Capital Fundraising.
Chestnut Tree House