

ellenor Hospice

Trust Fundraising Strategy & Training


The Brief:

ellenor Hospice is currently running a capital appeal to modernise and extend their hospice facilities in Gravesend, Kent. They were looking for training around fundraising from trusts for a capital appeal and to ensure they were submitting bids which would comprehensively cover their project’s needs and give them a good chance of success. They were also looking for support around their strategy and processes for raising funds for their core services.

Action Taken:

Deanna from Money Tree Fundraising provided two training sessions covering the basics of trust fundraising for the team and then specifically around trust fundraising for capital projects. She also provided two follow-up phone calls with the team and critiqued several drafts of their revised bid.

Difference Made:

The training was very thorough and helped ensure the ellenor trust team is on the right track, honing their strategies and processes. The in-depth review of the existing central capital bid helped the team to rework it, focussing on the areas in which funders are particular interested, covering all the required bases. This expert advice helped the ellenor trust team to substantially rework their capital bid into a much more coherent and focussed document. Overall it now flows much better.


Whilst it’s early days yet regarding a tangible result for money in, the team feels much more confident in the bid and their materials. They are now able to ask the right questions of their executive management to ensure, for example, they can represent the budget very clearly, anticipating and covering the range of questions prospective funders may ask.

ellenor hospice logo

“Deanna clearly has a great deal of experience with capital appeal bids, and this expertise was invaluable in helping us think of issues that we were not aware of but that funders would likely ask. Deanna’s input has also helped us confirm that we are on the right track in terms of our core services Trusts strategy, which has given us greater confidence as a team. Thank you for your help, and to Deanna for going above and beyond by critiquing several drafts of the revised bid.”

Nathan Ward

“The training was wonderfully comprehensive and I think will help us make some really productive changes over the coming months. In particular, we’ll be taking the Capital Appeal bid apart and rebuilding it based on your comments, which I’m sure will transform it. We’ll look forward to our phone calls where we can continue to get your thoughts on it as it develops. Once again, thank you so much for a fantastic training!”

Julian Black