
Does your Case for Support pass the Why? test?

It used to be the natural thing for us to question everything – we asked why? all the time. Over time we’ve stopped doing that so much – we know more, we don’t ask as much. Asking “yeah, but why?” about your fundraising proposition is a good test of whether you’ve arrived at the nub of the issue yet… and if you can’t answer the whys that you come up with you won’t be answering the whys of your audience

We don’t work on commission

We do not work on a commission basis. Nor will we work on a no-win-no-fee basis. There are lots of reasons for that – it is frowned upon by our sector body, it offers temptation for poor practice, it exploits the weak, it misunderstands the fundamental team effort that is fundraising.

A Recipe for the ‘Perfect’ Grant Application

Trust fundraising, like baking, requires practice, attention to detail, good measuring and an understanding of the impact of environmental factors. Money Tree Fundraising’s Deanna Wolf shares her recipe for trust fundraising success….

How do you define a Major Gift?

How do you define a major gift? Is a commonly-asked question with the expectation of an arbitrary £ amount being the answer. But it might not be that simple if you take an effort/reward based approach to the answer, thus expending your resources wisely for the maximum return.