Complaints Process

The Highest Standards

We are committed to providing a high quality, accessible and responsive service to our clients.

We abide by the codes laid out by the Fundraising Regulator.

How To Send Your Feedback

One of the ways in which we can continue to improve our service is by listening and responding to your comments and complaints. We will do everything we can to put things right and will review our procedures where necessary and stop problems happening again. We hope you will be fully satisfied with the products, services and advice provided by Money Tree Fundraising but if you have a complaint about our service we want to hear from you.

Please send us your comments or complaints on our service in writing. Our address can be found here. Alternatively, you can email We will treat everything you say to us in confidence unless we are unable to so do for reasons such as safety, regulation, or the law.

Your Complaint

We will take your complaint seriously, and will address it and respond to it as quickly as possible. The process we follow is laid out below.

What we need to know

To help us investigate your complaint, please provide as much of the following information as possible when you contact us:

  • Whether it is an original complaint, or a follow-up to a reply you were not satisfied with.

  • A clear description of the complaint and what you would like us to do to sort things out.

  • Your full postal address, email address and, if possible, telephone number.

What happens next

We will acknowledge your complaint within two working days. We hope to respond in full within this time, but if this is not possible we will explain why and give you a date by which you can expect a full reply.

Our Complaints Handling Process

  1. Complaint is received by CEO.

  2. CEO reviews the complaint, involving all relevant parties from Money Tree Fundraising – staff and/or associate fundraisers – and decides if there is a case to answer.

  3. If there is a case to answer then the CEO will investigate what went wrong, how Money Tree Fundraising can learn from the complaint and what we can do to make amends.

  4. A response is issued to the complainant explaining steps taken and outcomes.

If You Are Not Satisfied

If you are not satisfied with our reply you can also complain to the Fundraising Regulator.