Are you taking advantage of High Value Fundraising?

Our CEO Beth Upton has worked in fundraising since 2002 and is regularly frustrated by the income opportunities not being taken advantage of by charities, large and small.

The options available for charities for raising money can feel overwhelming and packed full of jargon: high-value, grants, corporate partnerships, acquisition, retention, life-time-value. It can be hard to know where to start and rarely does any charity have a systematic and successful process for raising voluntary income from multiple sources.

In fact, for many smaller charities, it is impossible to assess which types of fundraising might be more or less suitable for them and instead they rule out many opportunities all together.

This did not sit well with Beth and so in 2010 she decided to dedicate herself to changing the futures of many charities by helping them achieve their all-important flow of income.

Money Tree Fundraising was born.

Watch Beth talk further about her businesses:

Today, we are lucky to have worked with a huge range of clients.

We are committed to supporting organisations of all sizes to develop their high value fundraising, and have developed resources to support those who cannot yet afford to work with us.

We will support you in the best way for you by tailoring our support to meet your needs and budgets. We offer a range of services, from basic training to in-depth programme reviews, stewardship planning and long-term mentoring and coaching for you, your team, your senior management and senior volunteers.


Engaging major donors well


Trust Fundraising: A £4 Billion Opportunity